Prepurchase Exam

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Equestrian Prepurchase Examination Services By Our Horse Veterinarians @ (EqueVetsايكويفيتس)

The horse soundness exam, also called the horse prepurchase exam, is a comprehensive physical examination. It checks heart health, lung function, GI health, gait, and many others through a series of small tests. Further, it includes neurological and flexion, dental, ocular, and gait testing among the rest. 

Adding up to that, the horse soundness exam may also include radiographs, blood tests, endoscopy, drug tests, or reproductive exams. These tests are highly specific, addressing the main concerns of the horse buyers.

Not to forget, there are certain limits to this horse prepurchase exam. These are routine tests that only determine health status. None of these can tell if the horse had certain medical issues previously, such as colic. Also, there is no way to determine if these issues will show up again or not. 

Types Of Horse Exams 

There are many types of medical exams or horse soundness exams that you should know about. The equestrian clinica veterinary services at EqueVets offer the following tests.

Health Certificates

This type of certification is necessary if you want to transport a horse to another country. The test report should be available during this transportation time. This test contains a report on a physical exam and a report for any specialized test i,e, equine infectious anemia (EIA).

Insurance Reports

Not as common as other routine tests, this vet check on horses is to claim equine insurance, usually for medical reasons, loss of life or loss, or mobility loss. The tests in this insurance exam are customized as to the specific type of insurance. 

Lameness Test

As the name may indicate, this test determines the actual cause of horse lameness using basic techniques and tools. The horse veterinarian typically asks for the animal history and training information. Finally, using the diagnostic tools, he then determines the reason for lameness. 

Horse Prepurchase Exam

This special exam determines the soundness and health of a horse to decide on purchasing it. There is no pass or fail in this exam, and the vet only establishes the fitness level. 

International Health Certificates

The certificates are long, complex, and specific tests to decide international transportation. 

Horse Prepurchase Exam, Why is It Important?

The Equestrian Veterinary Service at EqueVets offers this check-up for your horses. The prepurchase horse exam helps the buyer understand the value of the animal. Also, it urges him to make an informed decision after considering all this information. 

Whether the reason to buy a horse is resale or you intend to use it in the game, this exam is important. Without knowing the health status, it is hard to estimate if the horse will justify the reason for its purchase.

A certified horse veterinarian does these exams, either at the clinic or on-site. The customer receives the complete health report and the images and blood work to keep the medical record. 

Horse Prepurchase Exam FAQ

How much does a horse prepurchase exam cost?

The price for prepurchase exam can vary from veterinarian to veterinarian or clinic to clinic, but it ranges between $250 to $500.

What does an equine pre-purchase exam include?

The horse prepurchase exam may include a number of tests, tools, and checkups, including X-rays, blood reports, endoscopy, ultrasounds, and others.

How do you become a horse specialist?

You can become a horse specialist by enrolling in a degree in animal sciences or animal medicine at the undergrad or graduate level.

How much does a vet check for a horse cost?

The routine checkup is different and may cost lesser than the horse prepurchase exam. But it largely depends upon the reason to conduct these tests, based on which the vet determines which tests are necessary.